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Curtin Economics Society

Annual General Meeting

Thu, 30 Nov 2023
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

The Annual General Meeting is approaching for the Curtin Economics Society. We will cover the events and occassions of 2023 and our future prospects. We will also be electing students to open vacancies on the exectuive comittee. However you don't need to join the executive committee to participate. If you just want to be a casual member or learn more about our club you are more than welcome to attend

The entirety of the AGM will be held online via Zoom. The invitation link will be sent out closer to the date.

Below is the agenda:

Curtin Economic Society

Annual General Meeting Agenda

30 November / 1:00 / Online via zoom

Member Invitation
As a member of our club, you're invited to the club's AGM so that you can have your say in the future of the club. To run a successful meeting and ensure the future of the club, we need your input and votes to ensure the club is running in the best interests of our members.


  • RSVP: You can register your attendance by going here http://thq.fyi/se/3Co6Fio
    • The entirety of the meeting will be held online via Zoom. The invitation link will be sent closer to the date.
  • Submit a Motion: If you would like to submit a motion to add to the agenda, please contact curtineconomicsociety@gmail.com by not later than 28 November


The purpose of the AGM is to:

  • Review the events of last year and evaulate our performance while also deciding on our future prospects.
  • Democratically elect any mandatory vacant committee role for 2024 in-line with [select one: "the Guild's Default Club Constitution" (attached below)
  • All ordinary members (current enrolled Curtin students who are also current members of this club at the time of this meeting) are invited to vote on all motions/agenda items and nominate themselves for a position. Non-ordinary members can only attend if invited & must only observe unless invited by the chair of the meeting to speak on a matter. Curtin clubs must be run by Curtin Students, for Curtin students.
  • Provide a report on the year to the club’s members . This shall be prepared by the outgoing office bearers and reported within this meeting for:
    • members in the meeting or,
    • within the minutes which will be accessible to all members post-meeting.
    • Successful renewal of the club with the Student Guild for the upcoming year.
  • Other business as per member agenda item submissions if time allows. 


The meeting will run in accordance with the below agenda:


  1. Attendance 


  1. Open Meeting 


  1. Disclosure of any potential or perceived conflicts of interest
  2. Purpose of the Meeting
    To fill vacant roles within the society and re-affiliate with the Curtin Student Guild at Curtin University. All ordinary members (current enrolled Curtin student & member of this club at the time of this meeting) are invited to vote on all motions/agenda items and nominate themselves for a position. Non-ordinary members can only attend if invited & must only observe unless invited by the chair of the meeting to speak on a matter. Curtin clubs must be run by Curtin Students, for Curtin students.


  1. Election of Vacant Committee Roles


  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Treasurer 
  4. Secretary 


  1. Acceptance of the Guild’s Policy
    In order to become a club Curtin, the club will discuss and agree to follow the Curtin Student Guild’s Club Governance policy documents:


  1. Guild’s Default Club Constitution
  2. Clubs Charter
  3. The Safe Spaces Agreement


  1. Club Membership Fee


  1. Change of Club Bank Account Signatories


  1. Other Business


  1. Next Meeting


  1. Close Meeting

Attached below is a copy of the default Guild constitution:


Ticket Type Price
AGM Free Ticket $0.00 Sale Ended

Western Australia, Australia

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